Tuesday, September 1, 2009

DAY 3 - Diaries

Kainat Javed(Translated from Urdu)

Thank you very much for taking us to Daman-e-Koh on our third day. At Daman-e-Koh we enjoyed some delicious ice-cream and spicy gol guppay. Do you know, I had 4 plates of gol guppay and I had four boxes of the juice of gol guppay as well! It was a lot of fun. I really liked the way to Daman-e-Koh.

Reshma Aziz

After my breakfast at day 3 we went to the workshop hall. First of all we wrote the diary of the other two days.

After that we had a great and interesting workshop with Nigar Nazar and we really enjoyed it. We got from Nigar Nazar so many good things because she raised so many social issues through cartoons. She showed the faults of our people through cartoons which forced us not to do so. I really like her talent and the way she used for raising social issues.

Quatrina Hussain is a great lady. She discussed so many good things with us and we felt very happy. We have decided from her discussions that we should work hard at any cost and we should have dreams. As she discussed her own story with us so I thought if she didn’t stop her study anywhere in so many problems and she remained confident so why can’t I be like her? I decided to work hard and have to remain confident in every situation.

After our workshops we had a trip of Daman-e-Koh. I really enjoyed there. There all the volunteers were worried about us (mean they really cared for us). I am very impressed from all the volunteers the way you care for us. It really feels me proud. Before this time I even went to Daman-e-Koh but the joy and happiness I have got from the trip to Daman-e-Koh along with friends and volunteers is unforgettable.


Our first workshop was with Nigar Nazar who was a very nice lady. She showed us how to draw from Urdu alphabets, like she made a duck from ‘hai’, a face from five and a boat from ‘fai’ etc. She gave us drawing pads as gifts.

After lunch Ma’am Quatrina Hossain came. She takes interviews from politicians on the TV. She took her degree from America. She told us about her personal life and how she worked hard and became a successful woman. She told us to be as much educated as we can, that we must take Pakistan to the top. The more Pakistan succeeds, the more we succeed. Then people will start respecting Pakistanis because right now everyone thinks Pakistan is a very backward country.


Nigar Nazar told us the name of her cartoon, Gogi. She used to wear polka dot clothes, which are my favorite. She showed us many cartoons, because of which instead of being bored we were enjoying the time.

Then we met Quatrina Hosain. She taught us how to fulfill our dreams even with our cultural limits.

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