Thursday, November 26, 2009

Talk With The Babies!

by Meeha Irfan

I woke up yesterday wanting to speak with the girls back in Swat. I only managed to get through to Maria, Nida Malik and Farhana. And I swapped an email with Eman : )

Here’s what they all said.

Maria [was a bit shy on the phone but eventually opened up]: School is going good and she is studying hard. All her friends are doing well, as are her parents. She misses us loads and asked when we were visiting them.

Nida; LIVELY! I felt her jump when she found out I had called her. She kept telling me she misses me ‘toooo much’!! And told me off for not putting kajal on my eyes. haha.

She (and other school mates) are really excited about us (potentially) visiting them in December...they even have a ‘special show’ lined up for us!

FARHANA: Farhana asked me about my studies! I didn’t really know what to say to that since I’m experiencing a permanent mind-clog-- but I responded with a polite ‘parhai bus, chal rahi haen’ and then she laughed. She and her classmates have their final board exams coming up!
Her final concern before hanging up was whether we miss them or not and I told her all we ever do is talk about the retreat. Fact.

Eman’s email:

“hey hi how are ya my new n.o is 0**********
even i tried 2 call ya bt it said . the num u have diled is not valid
. so u r going back . great
i really miss every thing n every 1 . school life has been stared n d
old rotine has begin
meet u soon when u r bak 2 pak
wid love 4m
Eman “

Me to Eman:

so sorry i have been out of touch. I am back in university and it's really hectic dealing with everything.
thank you so much for writing to me : )
i'm sure it's nice to get back to school and seeing your friends everyday..
how is everything? you getting up to much?
i miss all of you soooo much! that one week we had felt like we spent ages together, na?

i'm glad you have e-mail.. we can keep in touch regularly and you can give me updates! :D

hope you are well and safe.
much love
Meeha “

(I’m still awaiting a reply. Will keep you posted!)

1 comment:

  1. oh meeha maire bare anko wale doll. still i really miss u. and waiting for ur message plz contact me aur how can i contact u.
